Summer 2019
- Cover story: SEM image 3D reconstruction of laser-structured surfaces
- How to: Measure any object in a microscope image
- Research: Analyzing photoelectron spectroscopic measurements
- Surface metrology Q&A: What’s next for motifs parameters on profiles?
- News in brief: Events highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Spring 2019
- Cover story: Mountains® 8 is here: 11 reasons to update now
- Product focus: MountainsMap® 8: profilometry made perfect
- Application: Detecting tooth enamel erosion with Mountains®
- Surface metrology Q&A: What is a “shell” or freeform surface?
- News in brief: Events & products highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Fall 2018
- Cover story: MountainsSPIP 8™: what’s inside the #1 toolbox for SPM data analysis?
- Interview: The story behind MountainsSPIP™
- Focus: Particle analysis has never been easier
- License news: 5 reasons it may make sense to rent MountainsMap®
- Research: Mountains® used in study on world’s oldest drawing
- Surface metrology Q&A: Surface texture parameters: why so complex?
- News in brief: Events highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Summer 2018
- Cover story: Take SEM image analysis to new heights with Mountains® 8
- Research: Understanding stem cell structure: a new method
- STEM education: MountainsMap® in the classroom
- Tools for AFM: From the image folder of an AFM practitioner
- Surface metrology Q&A: How can I characterize lateral features?
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Spring 2018
- Scale-sensitive fractal analysis: What it is and how to use it
- Archeology: Surface parameters give clues to life in the Middle Stone Age
- Microscopy: SEM 3D reconstruction: what accuracy can I expect?
- Surface metrology Q&A: What is the Sdr parameter and when can it be used?
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Fall 2017
- Customer story: 3D printing contest: the winning samples chosen by you
- Semiconductors: Characterizing 3D structures at the nanoscale
- How to: Add color to complex objects in SEM images
- Surface metrology Q&A: Does it make sense to compare Ra & Sa values?
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Summer 2017
- Customer story: Assessing the role of formulation spreading in sunscreen efficacy
- SEM: Reflectometry or how to give your SEM images a 3D upgrade
- Research: Toward improved integration of bioceramic implants
- Surface metrology Q&A: Surface metrology quiz – test your knowledge
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Spring 2017
- Surface metrology: Resolving the problem of surface defects
- How to: 7 tips for producing SEM stereo pairs
- Customer story: My first project with MountainsMap®
- Surface metrology Q&A: What is form removal and why is it important?
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- Social: What’s hot online?
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Fall 2016
- Mountains® 7.4 software preview : Focus on new tools for electron microscopy
- Materials science: Uncovering the huge potential of graphene oxide membranes
- Semiconductor research: Characterizing the silicon dangling bond
- Surface metrology Q&A: Does the function of a surface determine how I should characterize it?
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- How to: 3D print your sample using Mountains®
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Summer 2016
- Focus on SEM: 4 ways to get more out of your electron microscope data
- Research:
- Scientists characterize new wonder material silicene
- Collagen degradation revealed by correlative Imaging
- Surface metrology Q&A: Where should I read up on surface metrology?
- News in brief: Events & product highlights
- Customer story: Improving energy efficiency of car climate control
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Spring 2016
- Grains & particles: 5 tips for analyzing micro and nanostructure
- Research: A new window on local surface texture
- What if my measurement data contains errors? Removing outliers and non-measured points
- Using surface texture to understand the past Prehistoric human behavior under the microscope
- How reliable is my data analysis software? 3 questions to our expert
- News in brief Trade fairs & events highlights
- Sfrax® or how a surface can look very different at different scales
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Fall 2015
- What’s new in Mountains® 7.3?
– for Surface topography
– for Scanning Electron Microscopy
– for Profile analysis
– for Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Research Using Mountains® to process STM/STS measurements
- Surface metrology Q&A
Profile standards are set to change: what you need to know
- News in brief A look back at this summer’s shows
- Coming soon Deconvoluting a multi-peak curve
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Summer 2015
- Get more out of your SEM images
– Simply click on each object in your image to colorize it
– Denoise, apply filters and correct lighting
– Quickly reconstruct 3D models from four, two or even single images
- Surface metrology Q&A
- Application focus: Quantitative Cathodoluminescence microscopy
- Ten years with Mountains®
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Spring 2015
- What’s new in Mountains® 7.2?
– Superfast 3D reconstruction for SEMs
– 3D color mapping of spectroscopy data
– Surface visualization in real 3D with glasses
– More versatile surface stitching
– Ribbon customization
- Leveling and form removal – new perspectives
- Powerful filters for surface visualization and analysis
- Surface metrology Q&A
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